Sec. 3. Strengthening Officer Recruitment, Hiring, Promotion, and Retention Practice
The EO requires Federal LEAs to develop best practices to attract, support, and retain an inclusive, diverse, expert, and accountable law enforcement workforce.
Acadis supports the evaluation of recruits based on agency-developed criteria, tracks background checks, and stores supporting documentation. Hiring is managed in Acadis, including prerequisites, pre-hire online testing, employment status, certification(s), and training to support best practices to hire and retain staff. Investigations are also managed within Acadis to identify and support the removal of individuals who violate standards.
Sec 5. Promoting Accountability
A new national database of police misconduct will be formed, and agencies must perform timely and thorough investigations and consistent discipline.
Acadis tracks internal investigations and misconduct cases, including tasks and staff assignments to manage due process. Tracking includes Case Number, Investigation Type, Subject, and Summary, as well as all investigation-related actions, points of contact, witness(es), and documents. Acadis allows management of employment separation (for cause), allows changes to certification status (decertification) and reasons, and can report the individual to the National Decertification Index (NDI). Acadis also tracks all changes to data to ensure a legally defensible position on outcomes. It further tracks commendations and awards to ensure appropriate reporting of all related records.
Sec 8. Providing Federal Law Enforcement Officers with Clear Guidance on Use-of-Force Standards
All federal agencies must meet new standards that limit the use of force and require de-escalation.
Changes in use-of-force policies will require training to meet the new standards. Acadis links training to new policies and evaluations of understanding through online, written, and observed tests. This tracking improves reports on this critical information to support the application of de-escalation and use-of-force standards.
Sec. 9. Providing Anti-bias Training and Guidance
Federal LEAs must conduct anti-bias training annually and implement procedures to respond meaningfully to complaints of bias.
Acadis tracks curriculum, instructor aides (e.g., video, PowerPoint presentations, policy documents, etc.), delivery of training (classroom or online), and evaluation of understanding and application through online, written, and observed testing. Reports within Acadis provide proof of delivery and scores on anti-bias training and curriculum, which can be updated as policies and training evolve. This is all captured in a FedRAMP-authorized database and provides legally defensible information on law enforcement professionals.
Sec 19. Establishing Accreditation Standards
New standards for law enforcement agency accreditation will require accrediting bodies to conduct independent assessments of compliance.
Vector Solutions is working with FLETA (Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation) to leverage Acadis to help manage FLETA’s accreditation processes. Via the Acadis Portal, training organization data will be collected to track their initial accreditations, renewals, and annual reporting requirements. FLETA will then review, make recommendations (if necessary), and accredit the law enforcement training programs, academies, and training courses according to accreditation policy within Acadis. Using Acadis to manage your accredited programs and academies will provide you with the most seamless process when you have to go through a FLETA audit.
Improving Data Transparency and Oversight of New Technologies
Agencies must submit use-of-deadly-force data to the FBI’s Use of Force Data Collection every month.
Acadis supports information on use-of-force incidents and investigations, providing tracking of all investigative actions, documents, persons involved, and outcomes. All data is protected by FedRAMP-authorized software in an authorized environment (AWS GovCloud) that meets the stringent security standards of NIST and CJIS.
The Acadis® Readiness Suite is designed to ensure public safety, military, and other government professionals are trained, equipped, and ready to respond. Acadis measures readiness by automating complex, high-risk training and compliance operations. Acadis increases the accuracy and effectiveness across every level of critical incident response by consolidating information about personnel and resources. The modular system enables organizations to implement functionality where needed to support the entire compliance lifecycle. Acadis embodies a single, powerful idea: To ensure first responders come home alive.
Posted on Oct 25, 2022