
Jun 1, 2003

Continuous Learning Environments

At the end of the 20th century, technological advances of the information-age brought about significant transformations in learning. The rapid growth of internet technologies fueled by powerful and affordable computer platforms collided with the revolution in pervasive computing and wireless technologies, all of which have had powerful effects on learning. These advances have not only had a profound effect on our military and law enforcement communities, but additional, have contributed to seismic realignments of priorities that have reshaped core principles and doctrine. As the 21st century unfolds, continuous learning environments are emerging as a critical bridge between organizational needs and performance.

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Jan 1, 2003

Core Principles and Practical Applications of Law Enforcement Academy Automation

The need to accelerate academy throughput while increasing existing workloads by requiring trainees to absorb additional vital materials is putting significant strain on current systems and requiring academies to reevaluate everything from instructional approaches and learning delivery to logistics, budgeting and academy benchmarking. By outlining some best practices in both process and technology that have been implemented by several of the largest U.S. law enforcement academies, this white paper can serve as a reference point for academies facing today’s difficult challenges.

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